English Dictionary - Offline

The free offline English dictionary application explains the meaning of English words! Definitions are based on English Wiktionary

The free offline English dictionary application explains the meaning of English words! Definitions are based on English Wiktionary. Ready to go: it works offline without any further file to download!

Download English Dictionary - Offline


♦ More than 243000 english definitions and large number of inflected forms

♦ You can leaf through words using your finger!

♦ Fast search, easy and functional user interface, optimized also for tablets

♦ Bookmarks and search history with option to backup your bookmarks

♦ Crossword help: the symbol ? can be used in place of single unknown letter. The symbol * can be used in place of any group of letters.

♦ Random search button (shuffle), useful to learn new words

♦ Share word definition using other apps, like gmail or whatsapp

♦ Compatible with Moon+ Reader, FBReader and other applications via share button

♦ Backup&restore configuration and bookmarks on local memory, Google Drive, Dropbox and Box clouds (available only if you have installed these applications on your device)

♦ Camera search via OCR Plugin, available only on Android 4.2 or later devices with back camera. (Settings->Floating Action Button->Camera). The OCR Plugin has to be downloaded from Google Play.

Your settings

♦ Black and white themes with user defined text colors (press menu–>select Settings–>click on Theme)

♦ Optional Floating Action Button (FAB) supporting one of the following actions: Search, History, Favorites, Random search and Share option

♦ Persistent Search option to get automatic keyboard at startup

♦ Text to speech options, including selection of British or American accent (press menu–>select Settings–>click on Text to Speech–>select Language)

♦ Number of items in history

♦ Customizable font size and line spacing


♦ No voice output? Please follow instructions here: http://goo.gl/axXwR.

Note: word pronunciation works only if voice data have been installed in your phone (Text-to-speech engine).

♦ In case you have a Samsung device with Android 6 and you got problems with voice output, please use the default Google TTS (text to speech) engine instead of Samsung engine

♦ Question & Answers: http://goo.gl/UnU7V

♦ Information about permissions used by the application can be found here: http://goo.gl/AsqT4C

♦ Download also the other livio offline dictionaries available in Google Play for a broader and unique experience

In case Moon+ Reader does not list my dictionary: open pop-up "Customize dictionary" and select "Open dictionary directly when Long-Tap on a word"

⚠ An offline dictionary needs memory. In case your device has low memory, please consider to use the online dictionary: http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=livio.dictionary

Information for application developers:

✔ This application provides Dictionary API for 3rd party developers, please read further details: http://thesaurus.altervista.org/dictionary-android

Beta testers, please read: http://goo.gl/dVvonK

keywords: Englisch, Inglês, английский


This application requires the following permissions:

INTERNET – to retrieve the definition of unknown words

WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE (aka Photos/Media/Files) – to backup configuration and bookmarks


System Requirements:



Varies with device

Last updated:

2017-09-01 22:09:27





File name:


File size:






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